Wednesday, October 22, 2014

in Darwin, ready to start

October 22nd

First, happy birthday to my brother who I hope will be excited enough about the bird photos that he'll figure out what species they are.

The travel to Darwin was long, but everything, bags, bikes, and us, arrived together and okay.

Sunday at 5 a.m... breakfast at the Darwin airport
Sunday at 7 a.m... at the campsite office, waiting for them to open, and assembling bikes while we wait.
 The tent got set up
and we headed out on the bikes into town, stopping first at the aviation museum featuring this bike in their WWII exhibit. The trip would be a challenge on this one.
Unlike China, where we were riding last year, there is an abundance of birds and animals around here.

This one was on the road at the campsite... unbelievably long tail...
Northern Water Dragon

Northern Water Dragon
This lorikeet was feeding from a tree 50 m from our tent. Beautiful, yes... noisy, yes.
Rainbow Lorikeet
Rainbow Lorikeet
We took a good bike ride around town and along the coast - where you can't swim for seven months of the year due to deadly jellyfish - and saw these birds.
Double-barred Finch
Double-barred Finch
Kingfisher with his dinner.
Forest Kingfisher
Australasian Figbird
Springtime here, so gathering material for the nest.
Pacific Reef Heron
Masked Lapwing (Northern Australian subspecies)
Masked Lapwing (Northern Australian subspecies)
Striated Heron
Straw-necked Ibis

1 comment:

  1. Starting at the bottom and working up to Day 1 of the ride:
    1. Straw-necked ibis
    2. Black crowned night heron?????
    3. Masked Lapwing (Northern Australian subspecies)
    4. Masked Lapwing (Northern Australian subspecies)
    5. Pacific reef heron
    6. Australasian figbird
    7. Forest king fisher
    8. Double-barred finch
    9. Double-barred finch
    10. Rainbow Lorikeet
    11. Rainbow Lorikeet
