Saturday, November 29, 2014

Wind, Kangaroos, Wind, Koalas, more Wind

That's how the last five days of riding have been. The wind starts howling by 7 a.m. and it's been a headwind all the way. By afternoon, we were sometimes down to single-digit speed - very discouraging.

Sun every day but cool - overnights have been down to about 5 degrees - terrain is a mix of forest (reforestation), farmland, vineyards, and shoreline.
...and some variations on the ordinary wire fence...

roadside fence - rather unique way to dispose of old shoes
stone fencing

There was a koala family in the trees at the Adelaide campsite, then Ursula spotted another the first morning out of Adelaide...

Out of Adelaide, we were essentially following the coast to the southeast and east and again lots of birds...

Australian Pelican

Australian Perlican


Great Egret

Great Egret

Heron - not sure which kind

Little Black Cormorant

Royal Spoonbill
Ibis - not sure which kind
...and kangaroos...

We got our first swim in the South Ocean on the second night out of Adelaide. We shared the beach with a sleeping sea lion...

The next day was at a more exposed point with beautiful water and huge waves...

shoreline near campsite at Beachport

Rae getting knocked over by 6-foot breakers
 ...and sunrise the next morning...

sunrise at Beachport campsite
Rae ready to ride

...and at the next campsite was a fairly tame wallaby...

a very tame wallaby in camp
So now we're in Port Fairy, the last day of November. Belated happy thanksgiving to our friends in the USA

Monday, November 24, 2014

out of the Outback to Clare Valley wine country

The rest day in Port Augusta was relaxed - some rain in the morning, a good shower in the afternoon, then it cleared...
...leaving Port Augusta the next morning on a narrow rough road heading for the hills...

...a good climb up to Horrocks Pass, leaving the outback behind... when we got over the top, we were instantly in a different world...
...cultivated fields, sheep...
The first town was Wilmington, not very big, but it had more than just a roadhouse...
The campsite that night was a caravan park in Jamestown with grass to puts the tents on rather than sand and dirt. And lots of birds...

The rest day in Port Augusta was relaxed - some rain in the morning, a good shower in the afternoon, then it cleared...


November 23 - we ride into Adelaide for a day of rest. A foggy start...
Some llamas as the fog was lifting...
Ursula made a friend and proved that although the grass may not always be greener on the other side, it is tastier...
On the way into Adelaide, Rae took a detour with Bob Edwards, a fellow rider from Australia, accomplished glider pilot, and they both went to the South Australia Aviation Museum in Port Adelaide. There they discovered amongst other things that cockpit ergonomics have come a long way since the days of the Vampire.
Meantime Ursula stayed on the charted course which passed a cherry growing operation with the trees suitable protected from the many birds around this country...
Once in the city, the route went down one of the many streets lined with these trees in bloom... springtime here down under...
Speaking of birds, there were many of them in camp and around the city...
Monday morning was time for us to hike the hill beside the campground for a view of the city...
The campsite is in the valley to the right of Ursula... nice location apart from being 10 km from town and a bit of a walk to any place to eat or buy groceries...
Then a bike ride into the city...
...Christmas tree on Victoria Square in the centre of Adelaide...
...some period architecture...
...and some cute modern encouragement to put your rubbish in the bin...