Monday, November 24, 2014


November 23 - we ride into Adelaide for a day of rest. A foggy start...
Some llamas as the fog was lifting...
Ursula made a friend and proved that although the grass may not always be greener on the other side, it is tastier...
On the way into Adelaide, Rae took a detour with Bob Edwards, a fellow rider from Australia, accomplished glider pilot, and they both went to the South Australia Aviation Museum in Port Adelaide. There they discovered amongst other things that cockpit ergonomics have come a long way since the days of the Vampire.
Meantime Ursula stayed on the charted course which passed a cherry growing operation with the trees suitable protected from the many birds around this country...
Once in the city, the route went down one of the many streets lined with these trees in bloom... springtime here down under...
Speaking of birds, there were many of them in camp and around the city...
Monday morning was time for us to hike the hill beside the campground for a view of the city...
The campsite is in the valley to the right of Ursula... nice location apart from being 10 km from town and a bit of a walk to any place to eat or buy groceries...
Then a bike ride into the city...
...Christmas tree on Victoria Square in the centre of Adelaide...
...some period architecture...
...and some cute modern encouragement to put your rubbish in the bin...

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